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Pin Oak Bonsai Tree-Root Over Rock-('quercus palustris')

The Pin Oak is native to North America and is a medium sized deciduous tree. The leaves of the Pin Oak have 5 or 7 pointed lobes. Each lobe has 5-7 bristle-tipped teeth. The sinuses (air filled spaces) are typically u-shaped and extremely deep cut. In fact, there is approximately the same amount of air filled area as actual leaf area. The acorns, borne in a shallow, thin cap, are bitter. Great tree for bonsai. Deciduous - keep outdoors.
  • 18 years old, 21" x 22" x 29" tall
  • Outdoor deciduous bonsai tree, grown and trained by Bonsai Boy.
  • Potted in a 11" brown oval mica container. Suitable humidity/drip tray is recommended. To purchase add $13.95.

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